Tuesday, May 26, 2020

American Imperialism the United States (U.S.) - 1562 Words

American Imperialism in the Nineteenth Century During the late nineteenth and early twentieth century’s the United States (U.S.) pursued an aggressive policy of expansionism extending its political and economic influence around the world. What is imperialism? Why this policy was adopted and how it was rationalized. The major events that took place and which countries of the world the U.S. became involved due to this policy. Finally, we will see, not everyone supported foreign affairs by the U.S. and in 1899 they founded the American Anti-Imperialist League. I will discuss their view of Imperialism and discuss the outcome of the foreign policy going into the twentieth century. Imperialism is the â€Å"acquisition of control over the†¦show more content†¦The thirst for new markets was one reason for the imperialistic era. We bought Alaska for 7.2 Million from the Russians, which provided us with oil, timber, and minerals. â€Å"Critics called Alaska â€Å"Seward’s Folly,† but he paid only about 2 cents an acre for a mineral-rich territory twice the size of Texas† (2008, p. 615). â€Å"The battle of the Pacific highlighted the need for naval bases and coaling stations. On July 7, McKinley signed a joint congressional resolution annexing Hawaii, as planters wanted for nearly a decade† (2008, p. 622). This lead to the annex of Hawaii, Pearl Harbor naval base being built and after the Spanish-American War we received Guam and Puerto Rico. During this period, we gained territories, resources and our military was expanding forces in areas of the world where we had not gone in force before. There were several major events that took place during this time that led up to this change. The main reason this policy was adopted was because the U.S. industrial economy was growing so fast that they were producing more goods than they could consume. This abundance of goods forced the U.S. to look for new markets to sell their goods. Another reason this was adopted was because the Americans were discontent with the way Spaniards were treating the Cubans. This led to the Spanish American War, which really opened the doors for American Imperialism. The U.S. forces defeated the Spanish forces which caused SpainShow MoreRelatedThe Imperalistic Monster644 Words   |  3 PagesThe roots of imperialism have emerged from the ground since the beginning of time. Imperialism is the expansion of a countrys power and influence through diplomacy and military force. Imperialist nations of the recent past used brute force to conquer and enforce their control over other parts of the world. For e xample, when one looks at Europe at the beginning of the 19th century. One can see that the brutal force of Napoleon Bonaparte’s military extended French dominance over much of Western EuropeRead MoreAmerican Imperialism Research Study Essay1423 Words   |  6 PagesAssociate Program Material Appendix A American Imperialism Part 1 Complete the chart by identifying the following: †¢ Identify the countries or areas where the United States engaged in imperialistic actions during the period from about 1870 to 1914. †¢ Discuss why each area was important to American empire building—political, economic, and social. †¢ Explain America’s expansionist ideals. What were some factors that justified American imperialist actions? †¢ Identify the current politicalRead MoreAppendix a American Imperialism1314 Words   |  6 PagesAssociate Program Material Appendix A American Imperialism Part 1 Complete the chart by identifying the following: Identify the countries or areas where the United States engaged in imperialistic actions during the period from about 1870 to 1914. Discuss why each area was important to American empire building—political, economic, and social. Explain America’s expansionist ideals. What were some factors that justified American imperialist actions? Identify the currentRead MoreThe Legacy Of The Monroe Doctrine1195 Words   |  5 Pagesestablished by U.S. president James Monroe and the U.S. secretary of state John Quincy Adams. Their plan of the Monroe Doctrine represented a solid line where the Americans will no longer tolerate interference from European powers in any way shape or form. For the most part, America was minding its own business until Imperialism started booming in the late 1800’s. Latin America was less developed and America saw South and Central America as perfect candidates to extract resources and sell U.S. goods. TheRead MoreAmerican Imperialism in the Nineteenth Century Born out of the independence of a subordinate600 Words   |  3 PagesAmerican Imperialism in the Nineteenth Century Born out of the independence of a subordinate nation, the United States of America aggressively pursued a desire for expansion of power and influence in other countries through diplomacy and force so that they could gain political or economic power – or both. In this brief paper we will discuss the ambition for the U.S. to overthrow the government and economy of other nations, how it was rationalized, and which countries were subject to the foreignRead MoreAmerican Imperialism : A Part Of United States History1463 Words   |  6 PagesAmerican Imperialism American Imperialism has been a part of United States history ever since the American Revolution. Imperialism is the practice by which large, powerful nations seek to expand and maintain control or influence on a weaker country. Throughout the years, America has had a tendency to take over other people s land. Authors like Frederick Jackson Turner, Alfred Thayer Mahan, Albert J. Beveridge, Mark Twain, and William James all distinctive perspectives on U.S expansion and imperialismRead MoreAmerican Imperialism797 Words   |  4 PagesMaterial Appendix A American Imperialism Part 1 Complete the chart by identifying the following: Identify the countries or areas where the United States engaged in countries or areas where the United States engaged in imperialistic actions during the period from about 1870 to 1914. Discuss why each area was important to American empire building—political, economic, and social. Explain America’s expansionist ideals. What were some factors that justified American imperialist actions? Read MoreTo What Extent Was Late Nineteenth-Century and Early Twentieth-Century United States Expansionism a Continuation of Past United States Expansionism and to What Extent Was It a Departure?1184 Words   |  5 PagesAPUSH To what extent was late nineteenth-century and early twentieth-century United States expansionism a continuation of past United States expansionism and to what extent was it a departure? Throughout the history of the United States, America had a desire to expand its boundaries. The United States acquired most of its land during the nineteenth and early twentieth century with a brief break during the Civil War and Reconstruction. However, the way America went about graining new landsRead MoreAmerican Actions During The First Seminole War842 Words   |  4 Pagesits history, the United States has claimed to be a democracy that fights for freedom for all. Americans have opposed imperialistic states and have fought against empires. However, based on specific definitions of imperialism, U.S. leaders have been guilty of fighting multiple wars to build their empire, even if their explicit reasons for doing so suggest otherwise. Examples of these imperialistic trends include American actions during the First Seminole War, the Mexican-American War, and the annexationRead MoreAP Us History DBQ977 Words   |  4 PagesDBQ American expansionism in the late 19th century and early 20th century was, to a large extent, a continuation of past United States expansionism, while also departing with previous expansionism in some aspects. During the period of time between the late 19th century and early 20th century, America was going through significant changes. After a revolution in Cuba against the Spanish, as well as the Americans starting the Spanish-American War, the Americans received several territorial concessions

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Foreign Direct Investment ( Fdi ) - 1445 Words

Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1. Background of the Study The advent of globalisation has influenced the scope of economic growth for countries in a rapid manner. It has also notified that with globalisation, the business sector has been able to experience considerable benefits from international domain. The concept of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) has been gain huge prominences in the recent years for getting considerable benefits for the economy and overall development of a nation. The importance of FDI has been attaining huge prominences among the economic as well as business domain. FDI is one kind of investment that influences the overall economic functioning within a country. FDI is mainly accompanied by multinational companies (MNCs)†¦show more content†¦As per the conducted research, the FDI will enable the under developing nations to grow faster. In the year 2011, the inflow of FDI in India has been able to reach the level of $11.1billion, which is also considerable as a drastic change in the economic activities. FDI in flow and Globalisation has influenced the average GDP rate of countries and the same influenced gradually. It could also be stated that the Indian economy is emerging in nature and provides a greater platform for the companies to enter and establish in the same. With the help of FDI in the developing countries, the nation has been experiencing an adequate growth associated with the industrial as well as infrastructural related. It has also notified that during 1990 -2000 the concept of inward FDI has gain huge prominences regarding the development of Indian economic condition. It has also observed that post-independence Indian government has continued with the application of FDI investment scheme. In the year 1991 after the launching of New Economic Policy, the concept of FDI has gained considerable importance in Indian economy. According to Narayana Babu (2008), Indian economy stands as a third largest economy around the world. As per the purchasing power parity the gross domestic product of the country (GDP) is US $3.611 trillion. As per the measurement of USD exchange rate Indian economy is considered to be one of the 10th largest economies in the

Friday, May 15, 2020

Preventing Drugs, Alcoholism, Smoking, And Drugs - 1249 Words

For many people, rehabilitation to help stop drugs, alcoholism or smoking is a daily part of their life. The majority considers rehab very grueling and it can be hard to keep up with the tasks outlined in rehabilitation plans. Three of the most common addictions needing rehabilitation are alcohol, smoking, and drugs. All of these different addictions can lead to severe illness or death. They also can totally alter one’s mindset, resulting in a mentally imbalance and potentially poor decisions. Going in to rehabilitation and being successful can be extra difficult when a person’s mind and body are both out of order. Alcohol is one of the hundreds of substances that people can get both physically and mentally addicted to. When trying to start rehabilitation to help with someone’s addiction, someone can get confused and less motivated to start. Three of the utilized treatments comprise; mutual-support groups, behavioral treatment, and medications. Mutual-support groups are places where people can find peer support from other people wanting to quit altogether or to just cut back on their drinking. These groups help people connect with others going through the same traumatic experience and it is much easier to empathize. Another type of rehabilitation is behavioral treatment. These treatments help and individual to stop drinking through counseling. These classes guide individuals to ease off until they quit drinking altogether. The philosophies behind the behavioral treatmentsShow MoreRelatedEffects Of Alcohol And Drug Abuse919 Words   |  4 PagesAlcohol and Drug Abuse There may be some things that you don t know about the impact of drug and alcohol abuse on friends and family and how your friends and family may react to your choices. Having knowledge about alcohol and drug abuse, preventing toxic relationship with friends, and being informed about the consequences of drug and alcohol abuse can prevent the harmful use or consumption of drugs and alcohol. First and foremost, having knowledgeable information on the impact drugs and alcoholRead MoreEssay about Alcoholism1842 Words   |  8 PagesAlcoholism Alcohol Dependence is a disease characterized by: a strong need or compulsion to drink, the frequent inability to stop drinking once a person has begun, the occurrence of withdrawal symptoms (nausea, sweating, shakiness) when alcohol use is stopped after a period of heavy drinking, and the need for increasing amounts of alcohol in order to feel an affect. Most experts agree that alcoholism is a disease just as high blood pressure, diabetes and arthritis are diseases. Like these otherRead MorePharmacological Treatment For Substance Abuse1761 Words   |  8 Pagesto get clean from alcohol or drug abuse is significant, but can be a difficult first step. However, when dealing with symptoms of withdrawal, the effort to stay clean can sometimes be a struggle against the addiction. Common withdrawal symptoms of alcohol and drugs are insomnia, anxiousness, irritability, tremors, and vomiting (Stevens Smith, 2013). Each individual’s body reacts differently from withdrawal, especially , depending on how long the individual used the drug, and the seriousness of theRead More Should Marijuana be Legalized? Essay1439 Words   |  6 PagesShould Marijuana be Legalized? Every 54 seconds, someone in the country is arrested for smoking marijuana. While some see this as a sign of the epidemic proportions of marijuana use in this country and as support for a continued crackdown; others argue that pot arrests are a waste of time and money, and a sign that it’s -- forgive the pun -- high time to legalize marijuana. What do you think: should lighting up a joint, join, beer drinking and puffing tobacco as an inalienable AmericanRead MoreChapter 5 81060 Words   |  5 PagesReproductive Choices. This chapter explains the different types on contraceptive methods and their effectiveness to help prevent unplanned pregnancy and avoid preventing transmitted sexual diseases. Approaches to avoid fertility today are male female condoms, the diaphragm, Emergency pills, etc. Condoms are more effective from preventing sexual transmitted infections. Of course there are other alternates ways mention in this chapter to avoid fertility or unplanned pregnancy like outer course andRead MoreAlcohol And Its Effects On Psychological And Physical Levels1212 Words   |  5 Pagesdrinking behavior in ways consistent with a diagnosis for alcohol dependence (Johns Hopkins, 2007). Only 10% of people who waited until after 21 could claim the same. It is proven that early alcohol use by young people are at an increased risk of alcoholism later in life. Alcohol is also a depressant, regular drinking lowers serotonin levels in the brain (Drinkaware, 2016). Drinkers of any age who attempt to use alcohol as a coping mechanism tend to find out that alcohol merely makes stress worse.Read MoreThe Social Acceptance Of Alcohol1732 Words   |  7 Pagesacceptance of alcohol all over the world, whether it be social or cultural, is the leading cause of why alcohol addiction is so prevalent especially in the United States. Alcohol is the second leading cause of death in the US and one of the most abused drugs worldwide. It is the â€Å"third leading preventable cause of death in the United States† with â€Å"nearly 88,000 peaople† dying from it annually (Alcohol Facts and Statistics). There are many facts and statistics that are available throughout the internetRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized? Canada?1244 Words   |  5 PagesOther Side Weed, ganja, pot-all names for the illegal drug marijuana. In Canada possession of cannabis otherwise known as marijuana is a criminal offence punishable by law, and can come with some serious consequences. Although Illegal the harmful effects of cannabis has on the human body are few compared to its legal counter parts such as tobacco and alcohol. In Canada marijuana has been an outlawed substance as a result of the Narcotics Drug Act Amendment Bill of 1923 which declares it illegal toRead MoreThe Plague Of Underage Drinking1356 Words   |  6 Pages Underage drinking and alcoholism is a huge problem in the United States, and as a society need to make a change with how everyone sees this problem. Adults and young teens take this topic too lightly, and it should not be taken lightly because of how many deaths there have been from poor decision making. There are many programs or events that could help this problem by fundraising, however people think this is not a very important prob lem. Underage Drinking and Alcoholism is a huge problem in theRead MoreDefining Who an Alcoholic Is and What the Effects of Alcohol on that Person Are2007 Words   |  9 Pagesuncontrollable and usually impulsive. Alcoholism is a chronic and usually progressive illness involving the excessive ingestion of ethyl alcohol, whether in the form of familiar alcoholic beverages or as a constituent of other substances. Furthermore, alcohol often effects the nervous, peripheral and gastric systems and is characterized by mental disturbances and muscular uncoordination, and may eventually leads to disorders such as cirrhosis of the liver (Goodwin, 1988). Alcoholism is thought to arise from

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Similarities Between Socrates And Confucius - 818 Words

Title The texts of Socrates and Confucius examine what it means to live the good life. Although, the texts have similarities, especially in clarifying what the good life isn’t, their philosophies on how to obtain the good life differ greatly. Additionally, the two texts are even ambiguous on what living the good life truly means, so it is first necessary to identify what the good life is. The philosophies share the thought that following the instructions to live the good life will benefit the individual who does so. Confuciuss analects state â€Å"In the morning hear the Way; in the evening die content† (Analects, 1336). Both ideas agree that the individual that follows the good life will be better off, but unlike modern opinion living†¦show more content†¦This anecdote from his own life provides insight into the prophecy that he preaches. One should treat all things with reason and not merely accept knowledge regardless of the prestige of the source, but should test the knowledge through examination. Even in the face of death Socrates portrayed these values. Socrates treated his own trial with contempt despite the punishment of being put to death. Furthermore, he declined the proposition to stop his ways of examination with the reward of his life. Firstly, he did not accept the plea because he was willing to consider the fact that death may inde ed be better than life, again admitting his own ignorance (Apology,516). However, his reason for not accepting the plea was that he believed â€Å"a life without enquiry is not worth living† (Apology, 526). Socrates understood that in order to live the good life for himself it could not be done without examination and rational thought. Although, refusal to sacrifice rational thought wasn’t the only reason that Socrates wasn’t willing to accept the plea. Again, when confronting his own mortality Socrates announced to the jury that no man with a spark of decency â€Å"ought to consider life or death, the only thing he ought to consider... is whether he does right or wrong† (Apology, 515). For Socrates this idea of doing what is right is classified under the idea of justice, however; even Socrates has difficulty defining what justice is. Socrates attempts to define justiceShow MoreRelatedSimilarities Between Socrates And Confucius1324 Words   |  6 PagesSocrates and Confucius were early thinkers who questioned and reevaluated societal norms and beliefs, in eagerness for answers to humanity. Socrates and Confucius questioned if the society around them detracted them, as well as others, from being free thinkers. Although Confucius’ teachings were more openly embraced by those around him compared to those of Socrates region, both sought the power of knowledge and desire to spread wisdom. Using Plato’s Apology and The Analects of Confucius, this essayRead MoreSocrates And Confucius As Teachers3484 Words   |  14 PagesSocrates and Confucius as Educators Neither Confucius nor Socrates were regarded widely in their lifetimes as highly valuable and distinguished men. Their fates were colored with tragic hues, but their ethics have survived them and become immortalized as treasures of world culture. Socrates had a formative influence on Western philosophy, and he emphasized logical method, the meaning of human experience, and the quest for eudaimonia through moral excellence. His famous paradox, that no one does wrongRead MorePlato and Confucius4610 Words   |  19 Pagesinfluence of Jesus and Socrates’ (3). On the surface, there are many similarities between Confucius and Plato. Both taught through means of dialogue, and both expressed reticence to provide direct definitions. Both advocated contemplation and education as the means for moral attainment, and both sought to balance contemplation with service. Both sought to apply their moral theory to public office (though both failed). And while Plato espoused the ‘heavenly’ forms, Confucius espoused the ‘Decree ofRead MoreThe Importance Of A Good Society?1596 Words   |  7 PagesConfucius would describe a person as someone who respects his elders, have lots of love, be truthful, earnest, and a studious worker. A person might become like this by not offending his superiors, keep attention on business, and is led by the laws not the heart. Propriety plays a big role in becoming a virtuous man because you have to conform to the laws put in place by the kings and the Gods. Ritual play has a role in becoming a virtuous man because you have to accept the religion of your peopleRead MoreChristianity, Buddhism, And Confucianism872 Words   |  4 Pagesunique perspective of truth and what is good. Though there are many different thoughts and explanations about how to live, there is some common ground between them. Throughout the year 600 B.C.E. to the year 600 C.E. the ideas of religion such as Christianity, Buddhism, and Confucianism and philosophy like those of Plato, Laozi, and Socrates. From 600 B.C.E. to 600 B.C. religions began to impact the traditions and attitudes in Europe and Asia resulting in multiple different, but yet similar approachesRead MoreAnalysis Of Aristotle s The Golden Mean 1109 Words   |  5 PagesEthics. This theory has also been expressed by other philosophers and in mythological tales, specifi cally the tale of Daedalus and Icarus. Others ways this theory has been expressed is inscribed at the temple of Delphi, Theano, student of Pythagoras, Socrates and Plato. In Confucianism, it is understood as an important virtue and is described in The Doctrine of the Mean. Each of these different expressions, as well as the theory itself as described by Aristotle, will be examined. As well as an analysisRead MoreA Brief Note On The Japanese Religion Of Shintoism1446 Words   |  6 Pages - People began to explore how human society should work. For example, in Greece, people began to listen to philosophers’ and scientists’ work like Aristotle, Socrates and Plato instead of the ill-behaved and passionate Gods of Homer. They turned to philosophy and wisdom instead of religion and appeasing the Gods. 6. The main similarity is that they are all monotheistic- meaning they believe in one god and worship one and only one god that is divine and created the world. This is different becauseRead MoreAristotle versus Confucius Essay1806 Words   |  8 Pagesphilosophy of Aristotle with that of Confucius. This is with a clear concentration on the absolute functions of these philosophies and how they take care of the particular responsibility of a person and the broader society and the resultant effects on societies (Barnes, 1995). The teachings according to Confucius refer to Confucianism. Confucianism is the multifarious classification of ethical, collective, political and pious philosophy developed by Confucius and the old Chinese practices (BertrandRead MorePhilosophy Socrates vs. Taoism2554 Words   |  11 Pagesdeveloped a vast segregation from one another. The geographical and cultural distance between eastern and western civilization determined massive differences between the two. On the other hand, the works of ancient Greek philosophers like Socrates, and some eastern philosophies like Taoism have many of the same or common ideas and concepts. Both eastern and western philosophies regardless of having similarities have distinctive differences when examining the view of the conception of the good. InRead More Plato and Confucius Essay2913 Words   |  12 PagesPlato and Confucius There are thousands of credible philosophers for people to study today, therefore the choice of who to study becomes a burdening task. Each single one has amazing knowledge and insight that we could all learn something from. There are people who don’t call themselves philosophers but bring philosophical thought to us, and then there are those who dedicate their lives to the love of wisdom. Philosophers have existed for thousands of years, and as long as the sun comes up, there

Employment in the Information, Communication and...

Employment in the Information, Communication and Technology Sector Terms of Reference The purpose of this report is to fulfil the criteria laid out in the Communications and Work Experience Modules, G20001 and W200008 Introduction According to IBM, data created in the last two years account for 90% of the information available on networks and the internet. (IBM Research) As a consequence, it is not surprising that there is such high Information, Communications and Technology (ICT) skills demand. In May 2013, FIT Ireland (Fast Track to IT) conducted a skills audit in response to 4500 unfilled ICT job vacancies. FIT found that the predominant cause was an ICT skills shortage. Firstly, this report will describe the ICT sector and its range of†¦show more content†¦Due to the increase in popularity of mobile devices and tablets by consumers, the decline in the Personal Computer Market (Technology, 2013) is escalating, and consequentially, hardware and software development for the mobile market is on the increase as well as the development of Wi-Fi (Wireless Local Area Network) technology. The Main Occupations in the Current ICT Sector (Durrow Communications, 2013) Electronics Engineer (Skills Shortage) An Electronics Engineer Invent and design the hardware technology used in the ICT Sector, from control circuits to satellite digital telecommunications systems. Software Engineer (Skills Shortage) A Software Engineer uses code in the form of a computer language to develop and modify software applications, such as software for business and communications, and games software. Computer/IT Consultant (Skills Shortage) An IT Consultant would determine the client’s needs as well as advising them on the use of ICT as it pertains to their business. Computer Applications Programmer/Analyst (Skills Shortage) Like a Software Engineer, a Computer Programmer is a person who programmes software by writing code, but typically would need programming knowledge and a qualification of Level 6 or higher, rather than a degree. Database Administrator (Skills Shortage) A Database AdministratorShow MoreRelatedInformation And Communications Technologies : Ict1354 Words   |  6 PagesINFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNLOGY Introduction: - Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) education is basically our society’s efforts to teach its current and emerging citizens valuable knowledge and skills around computing and communications devices, software that operates them, applications that run on them and systems that are built with them.   Dimensions of ICT: - There are many important dimensions to ICT education, including: Analyze and apply appropriate academic standardsRead MoreA Report On The Tunisian Government1194 Words   |  5 PagesSolution at that time was a Readjustment Program which requires guidance of the economy for activities with high technology and intensive skills: ICTs. The Tunisian government has positioned these technologies in solid of its development plan. Information and communication technologies are considered as a tool enabling for economic diversification and for the creation of new activities in all sectors. Tunisia was among the first African countries which make ICTs a key element in its national strategy. TunisiaRead MoreImpact Of Globalisation On The Economic Development Of Pakistan1073 Words   |  5 Pagesthat involves the international operations of financial and investment markets as a result of improved communication mediums globally. It is the tendency of business enterprises and individuals to step outside their national and domestic markets to other markets around the globe to increase international trade and exchange of cultural values among different nations. Growth of Telecommunication sector is considered as one of the biggest positive sides of globalisation in Pakistan. However, increase inRead MoreAn Overview of the Job Market for Cambridge1103 Words   |  4 PagesFor those looking for employment in Cambridge in the near future, following is a brief analysis of the job market overview. †¢ The overall employment rate for individuals aged 16 – 64 is average at 78% and stable. †¢ Job density is high but falling. †¢ The level of self-employment is 10% which is low but stable. †¢ New business registrations per 10,000 adults is low (41%) and decreasing. †¢ A high percentage (6.4%) of 16 – 19 year olds are not involved in education, employment or training. †¢ 82%Read MoreShort Report on the Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Communications and Information Technology628 Words   |  3 PagesModule Title: Communications Assessment Technique: Short Report Title: Short Report on the Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Communications and Information Technology. Contents Short Report 1 Title: 1 Terms of Reference: 1 Method Procedure 1 Findings: 2 Advantages: 2 Disadvantages: 2 Conclusions 3 Recommendations: 3 Bibliography I Internet and Web based resources I Short Report Title: Short Report on the AdvantagesRead MoreModern World Relies On Technology1045 Words   |  5 Pagesrelies on technology. â€Å"In the modern eon, the information technology involves in every fields. Multiple tasks, from driving motor vehicle to diagnosing diseases are blessed due to the information technology.† (Lauren, 2013) It provides communication between businesses from any place in the world. The information technology field in the United States and in India has plentiful similarities and differences’ with regards to salary, popularity, and responsibilities. Generally, information technologyRead MoreTechnology s Effects On The Future Job Market1263 Words   |  6 Pagescitizens in their daily lives. A growing trend in the world has been the constant revelations in technology that has shaped the society we live in today. There have been many people who complain about the problems that plague the world and very few are willing to make a change in the world. Technology can be the solution or the problem for making the world a better place. Lots of individuals say that technology having a big role will hurt humans on having a steady income. Less people will have jobs andRead MoreRoles of Information Technology in Malaysia1402 Words   |  6 PagesTitle: Roles of Information Technology in Malaysia Objective: 1. The definition of Information Technology. 2. What are the types of Information Technology. 3. Principles of Information Technology. 4. Roles of Information Technology that are applied in various fields. 5. Advantages and disadvantages of Information technologies Introduction: Information Technology is a combination of computers and communication technologies. In a more common term, Information Technology is described as anyRead MoreThe Impact Of Technology On The Workplace1239 Words   |  5 PagesThe Impact of Technology in the Workplace Since the creation of modern computerization, several consequences have arisen for humankind, particularly in the work environment. Both skilled and unskilled laborers are gradually being forced out of work due to these technological innovations. This is especially true in industries that have been greatly affected by this phenomenon, such as the communication, transportation, information and manufacturing activity. Rather than creating jobs and increasingRead MoreThe Problem, Unemployment, And Social Issues938 Words   |  4 Pagestraditional sectors, on the contrary, third and newly-rising sectors would need more workers. The fact is those people who work in primary and traditional sectors have little adjustment in time while they transfer into third and newly-rising ones, and the upgrade of industrial structure continually urges the reinforcement of the quality of workers, which leads to the unemployment of low quality workers. In addition, owing to progress of technology, most o f people are required to master information technology

Financial Analysis of World Vision Australia of 2015-16 Free Sample

Questions: 1.Your task is to analyse the last two years Performance of the Selected Company and Present your findings in the form of a report, which will Introduce the Company to start with and cover Financial Performance Analysis in a Logical Cohesive Format. 2.Suppose the Chosen Company and its Competitor decided to expand their Operations by issuing bonds. You are required to value Bonds Issued by two Companies that you Selected. Answers: Introduction Managing the finance in such a manner that the effective and efficient utilization of funds is ensured is crucial for the achievement of the organizational goals and objectives (Hales, 2006). The decision as regards arrangement funds and deployment of the funds collected from various sources plays a pivotal role in success or failure of a firm. Therefore, it is crucial for a firm pay special attention to the finance function. In order to ensure that the firm is on right track or there is a need to get improvements on, it is essential to analyze the financial performance and position of the firm (Baker and Powell, 2009). The ratio analysis is used as the most important tool in analyzing the firms financial performance and position. The ratio analysis covers the analysis of financial performance and position of a firm from end to end. It covers four core business aspects such as profitability, liquidity, efficiency, and solvency. In this context, the report presented here covers the an alysis of financial performance of World Vision Australia. Further, the report also covers the computation of bond prices and discussion on the international bond rating agencies. Company Brief World Vision Australia is a public company limited by guarantee. It started operations in the year 1969 and it has been now 37 years since then the company is running its charitable activities. The company has expended over the years and now operates at the global level in more than 96 countries with over 45000 people (World Vision, 2017). The company is committed to achieve transformational developments by working for the poor, disabled, and needy sections of the society. Further, the company works for removal of poverty and also provides disaster relief in the cases of emergency. The current projects undertaken by the company emphasize on fulfilling the needs of the children, promoting of gender equality, and increasing awareness for HIV and AIDS (World Vision, 2017). 1.Analysis of Financial Performance The analysis of financial performance of World Vision Australia has been carried out by applying ratio analysis tool. In order to assess the profitability, the financial ratios such as net profit margin, return on assets, and return on equity have been computed and analyzed (Tracy, 2012). Further, the liquidity of the company has been analyzed by computing two the most prominent ratios such as current ratio and quick ratio. Apart from these ratios, the capital structure ratio such as debt equity and debt ratio have also been analyzed (Tracy, 2012). This analysis of financial performance has been carried out for two years such as 2015-16 and 2015-14. Further, in order to make the analysis more critical and reliable, a comparison of the ratios with the competitor company namely Berry Street has also been made. Profitability The analysis of profitability is the most important area that explains the financial performance of the business. The primary ratios used to analyze the profitability of the business are net margin, return on equity, and return on assets. The net margin is computed by dividing the net profit by the net revenues of the company (Walton and Aerts, 2006). The net margin ratio depicts the profits as a percentage of revenues. Further, the return on equity indicates the profits earned by the company for the equity shareholders. It is computed by dividing the net profits by the shareholders equity. The analysis of shareholders equity is essential from the view point of equity providers. Further, the return on assets is also used which indicates the profits of the firm as a percentage of total assets (Walton and Aerts, 2006). In respect of World Vision Australia, the net margin has been found to be 5.53% and -4.40% for the year 2014-15 and 2015-16 respectively. It could be observed that the net margin of the company is slopping down in the current year as compared to the previous year. In respect of competitor, Berry Street, it has been found that the company is earnings net margins of -1.43% and 0.20% in the year 2014-15 and 2015-16 respectively (Appendix). It could be observed that World Vision Australia incurred losses in the current year however the competitor is earning profits. Further, the return on assets of the company has been found to be 24.77% and -25.54% whereas its competitor is found to be earning a return on assets of -2.08% and 0.29% in 2014-15 and 2015-16 respectively. Further, the return on equity is also showing the same trend with 29.82% and -31.13% in 2014-15 and 2015-16 respectively (Appendix). Overall, it has been observed that the profitability of the company of current year 2015-16 is down as compared to the previous year 2014-15. Further, it has been observed that the competitor is performing better than the company in the current financial year. The primary reason for downfall in the financial performance of World Vision Australia in 2015-16 has been identified as the increased expenditure on the expansion activities. The expenditure on the overseas projects increased by 23.1% (World Vision, 2016) in the year 2015-16, which added to cost significantly and affected the profitability adversely. It has been found that total expenses other than fund disbursements amounted to $177.4 million in 2015-16 as compared to $142.0 million in 2014-15 (World Vision, 2016). Further, DuPont analysis has been conducted to analyze the changes in the return on equity in more detail as under: 2015-16 2014-15 A. Asset turnover 5.80 4.48 B. Equity multiplier 1.22 1.20 C. Net Margin -4.40% 5.53% ROE (A*B*C) -31.13% 29.82% It could be observed that return on equity of World Vision Australia is changing from 29.82% to -31.13% in the year 2015-16 as compared to the year 2014-15. It could be observed that the net margin is major component that has caused significant changes in the return on equity of the company. The negative net margin has caused the return on equity to be negative. Further, assets turnover and equity multiplier have improved in the current year (Godwin and Alderman, 2012). Liquidity After analyzing the profitability, the next step in the analysis of financial performance is the assessment of liquidity. The liquidity refers to the ability of the company to pay off the short term debt as when it falls due for payment (Palepu et al., 2007). A firm needs to have enough liquidity to meet the short term obligation to run the day to day affairs hassle free. In order to assess the liquidity, the primary ratios being used worldwide are current and quick ratio. The current ratio is computed by dividing the current assets of the company by the current liabilities. A firm needs to keep the current ratio as high as possible to prove its liquidity sufficiency. Further, the quick ratio is also used as the indictor of liquidity. The quick ratio is computed by taking the current assets net of inventory which means that only the assets that are readily convertible in cash are taken into account. The quick ratio measures the liquidity of the firm more rigidly than the current rati o (Palepu et al., 2007). In respect of World Vision Australia the current ratio has been found to be 4.55 and 4.02 times for the financial years 2015-16 and 2014-15 respectively (Appendix). It could be observed that the ratio is falling slightly down in the current year as compared to the previous year. The primary reason for decrease in the current ratio has been found to be decrease in the current assets in the year 2015-16. The current assets of the company went down from $59.84 million to $47.57 million in the year 2015-16 (Appendix). However, the company is still performing better than the competitor. Its competitor company namely Berry Street has been observed to be running with the current ratio of 0.86 times in the year 2015-16, which is lower than companys current ratio of 4.02 times. Further, the quick ratio of the company has been found to be 4.55 and 4.01 times for the financial year 2015-16 and 2014-15 respectively. The quick ratio is also slopping downward in the current year compared to the previous year. Though, the ratio has gone down, but it is still higher than the competitor. The competitor company, Berry Street, is running with the quick ratio of 0.80 times which is less than the companys quick ratio of 4.01 times (Appendix). Overall, it could be articulated that the liquidity of the company has gone weaker in the current year as compared to the previous year but the company is still in the better position compared to the competitors. Capital Structure Ratios: Advice on Loan The capital structure refers the financing pattern of a firm. In other words, it refers to the mix of sources of finance such as equity and debt used by the firm. The decision of management in regards to use of sources of finance is critical as it affects the overall financial performance and position of the firm (Baker and Martin, 2011). There are different advantages and disadvantages of the use of debt and equity respectively. Thus, the management needs to analyze the situation and then decide as to which source of finance would suit the best in the given situation. It should be noted that the use of debt provides leverage advantages but at the same time it also gives rise to the risk of solvency. Further, the use of equity increases the financing cost and it also results in dilution of control. Overall, the essence is that the management should strike out a proper balance between the use of equity and debt funds to improve the financial performance (Lane and Milesi-Ferretti, 2000 ). In order to maintain adequate balance between the equity and debt, it is essential to analyze the capital structure ratios. The primary capital structure ratios being used for this purpose are debt equity ratio and debt to total assets ratio. In respect of World Vision Australia, it has been found out that the debt equity ratio is 0.20 and 0.22 times for the year 2015-16 and 2014-15. Further, the debt to total assets ratio is 0.17 and 0.18 times (Appendix). The trend in the ratios depicts that the debt has increased a bit in the current year compared to the previous year. However, the company is still using less debt than the competitors. The competitor company, Berry Street, is having debt equity ratio of 0.60 times which is way higher than the companys debt equity ratio of 0.22 times (Appendix). The low debt equity ratio shows that there exists scope to raise more debt to arrange finance for the company. Thus, considering the current debt position, it could be advised that the comp any is low on debt and therefore it can go for raising new loans to finance the assets. Long Term and Short-Term Sources of Finance Used by the Company It has been found out that World Vision Australia is a not for profit organization (NPO) which seeks finance in the form of government grant and donations. Apart from the government grant and donations, the company usages retained earnings as the primary source of long term funding (World Vision, 2016). Further, the company takes material from suppliers on credit; therefore, the suppliers credit is used as the short term source of finance. The below given table shows source of finance used by the company in the preceding two years along with percentage change: Sources of Finance: World Vision Australia 2015-16 ($M) 2014-15 ($M) Change (%) Long Term Retained earnings 45.92 64.6 -28.92% Short Term Supplier Credit 4.83 6.89 -29.90% It could be observed that retained earnings decreased significantly by 28.92% in 2015-16 as compared to 2014-15. Further, the Supplier Credit decreased by 29.90% (World Vision, 2016). Limitations of Ratio Analysis Though, ratio analysis is highly useful tool for the purpose of analyzing the financial performance of a firm, but it has certain limitations. First of all, the ratio analysis is performed on the historical data that is taken from the financial statements of the company (Ehrhardt and Brigham, 2008). In preparing the financial statement, two companies may use different accounting policies that would affect the amounts recorded in the financial statements. The ratio analysis in this situation would yield less effective results. Further, the ratio analysis does not provide the reasons for fluctuations in the financial figures; it only indicates the quantitative data (Ehrhardt and Brigham, 2008). 2.Bond Valuation Comparing Value of Bonds The face value, terms to maturity and coupon rate of both the bonds is same, but the yield to maturity and interest payment terms are different, therefore, the price of two bonds can not be identical (Bond and Brown, 2012). The bond of World Vision is A rated while the bond of Berry Street is B rated. Due to difference in ratings, the yield to maturity of the bonds is also different. Further, the bond of World Vision pays annual interest while the bond of Berry Street pays semi-annual interest. Applying the concept of time value of money, the prices of both the bonds have been computed as under: World Vision Australia Face value 100 Terms (Years) 5 Coupon rate 8.00% Yield to maturity 3.50% Yearly interest 8.00 Price of bond $120.32 Berry Street Face value 100 Terms (Semi years) 10 Coupon rate (Semi year) 4.00% Yield to maturity (Semi yearly) 2% Half yearly interest 4 Price of bond 117.965 The price of bond issued by World Vision is $120.32 while that of Berry Streets bond is $117.97. The bonds of both the companies are selling at premium. International Bond Rating Agencies There are many rating agencies working in different countries around the world. However, the three major rating agencies which have operations in different parts of the world and operate at the international level are Standards and Poor, Moodys Investor Services, and Fitch Ratings Ltd (Nigudkar, 2017). The ratings assigned to the debt securities provide information to the lenders on creditworthiness of the company. The high rating bonds involve lesser risk but at the same time it may reduce the return. Further, the company having high debt rating, can issue the bonds at premium taking the advantages of low risk being involved in the issue of bond. The lenders can make decisions as regards investment in the debt securities of the companies by referring to the ratings assigned to it (Mathieson and Schinasi, 2000). Conclusion The report presented here deals with the analysis of financial performance and position of World Vision Australia for the financial year 2015-16. The company operates for social causes with the particular focus on alleviation of poverty and developments in the field of education. From the ratio analysis, it can be articulated that the companys profitability has not been up to the mark in the current year. However, in term of liquidity and solvency, the position of the company is better than the competitors. The company has sufficient liquid assets and low debt to equity ratio. Further, from the analysis of bond price, it could be observed that the companys bond is selling at premium. Appendix: Ratios Financial Data Description World Vision ($ M) Berry Street ($ M) 2015-16 2014-2015 2015-16 2014-2015 Revenue 424.37 380.00 87.44 84.63 Expenses 443.05 359.00 87.26 85.38 Excess/ (shortfall) (18.69) 21.00 0.18 (1.21) Interest Inventory 0.07 0.02 1.34 1.25 Current assets 47.57 59.84 18.39 17.26 Current liabilities 11.85 13.15 21.44 18.88 Equity 60.05 70.41 38.25 37.58 Total liabilities 13.13 14.35 23.03 20.57 Description Formula World Vision ($ M) Berry Street ($ M) 2015-16 2014-2015 2015-16 2014-2015 Profitability Net margin Net profit/revenues -4.40% 5.53% 0.20% -1.43% Return on assets Net profit/Total assets -25.54% 24.77% 0.29% -2.08% Return on equity Net profit/equity -31.13% 29.82% 0.46% -3.21% Liquidity Current ratio Current assets/current liabilities 4.02 4.55 0.86 0.91 Quick Ratio Current assets-Inventory/current liabilities 4.01 4.55 0.80 0.85 Capital Structure Ratio Debt to Equity Ratio Debt/ Equity 0.22 0.20 0.60 0.55 Debt to assets Debt/ Total assets 0.18 0.17 0.38 0.35 References Baker, H.K. and Martin, G.S. 2011. Capital Structure and Corporate Financing Decisions: Theory, Evidence, and Practice. John Wiley Sons. Baker, H.K. and Powell, G. 2009. Understanding Financial Management: A Practical Guide. John Wiley Sons. Berry Street. 2016. Annual report of Barry Street for 2015-16. [Online]. Available at: https://www.berrystreet.org.au/annual-reports [Accessed on: 04 April 2017]. Bond, P.H. and Brown, P. 2012. Rating Valuation: Principles and Practice. Taylor Francis. Ehrhardt, M. and Brigham.E. 2008.Corporate Finance: A Focused Approach. Cengage Learning. Godwin, N. and Alderman, C. 2012. Financial ACCT2. Cengage Learning. Hales, J. 2006. Accounting and Financial Analysis in the Hospitality Industry. Routledge. Lane, P.R. and Milesi-Ferretti, G.M. 2000. External Capital Structure-Theory and Evidence. International Monetary Fund. Mathieson, D.J., and Schinasi, G.J. 2000. International Capital Markets Development, Prospects and Key Policy Issues. International Monetary Fund. Nigudkar, A. 2017. Credit Rating Agencies. [Online]. Available at: https://www.financewalk.com/credit-rating-agencies-sites/ [Accessed on: 06 April 2017]. Palepu, K.G., Healy, P.M., Bernard, V.L., and Peek, E. 2007. Business Analysis and Valuation: Text and Cases. Cengage Learning EMEA. Tracy, A. 2012. Ratio Analysis Fundamentals: How 17 Financial Ratios Can Allow You to Analyse Any Business on the Planet. RatioAnalysis.net. Walton, P. and Aerts, D. 2006. Global Financial Accounting and Reporting: Principles and Analysis. Cengage Learning EMEA. World Vision. 2016. Annual report of World Vision for 2015-16. [Online]. Available at: https://www.worldvision.com.au/docs/default-source/annual-reports/wv-annual-reports/annual-report-2015-v2.pdf?sfvrsn=2 [Accessed on: 04 April 2017]. World Vision. 2017. About US. [Online]. Available at: https://www.worldvision.com.au/about-us [Accessed on: 06 April 2017].

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Becoming a Successful Entrepreneur is dependent on a good Business Essay Example For Students

Becoming a Successful Entrepreneur is dependent on a good Business Essay â€Å" One who undertakes an enterprise-acting as intermediary between capital and labour. † -Oxford English Dictionary Introduction Becoming a successful enterpriser does n’t go on by accident or by opportunity. It is a long procedure that involves assorted schemes, features and quality of individual who wants to go a successful enterpriser. Madan Paliwal who is a successful enterpriser in his province, says â€Å" Becoming a successful enterpriser is non an easy undertaking! There are certain qualities and schemes that are perfectly necessary if you would wish to go successful in your concern ventures † . Madan Paliwal ‘s illustration shows that how some features, qualities and schemes support to going a successful enterpriser. He strongly believes in â€Å" quality instead than measures † . Harmonizing to Sharma ( 2009 ) , â€Å" It is indispensable to follow some schemes for the growing and strongly development of concern † . An enterpriser organizes different types of industries right from origin has different attacks and call for an in-depth cognition base. The importance is the enterpriser starts and operates his ain new concern. feature of An Entrepreneur Kant ( 2000 ) , â€Å" All the enterpriser were work forces of subject, high unity and with strong demand for accomplishment † . In India Mr. Madan Paliwal CMD of Miraj Group of Industries has following features and qualities which is of import: Enterprise: Mr. Madan Paliwal used resources and program for his concern. He started his concern with Rs. 200 ( ?3 ) capital. Now Miraj Group of Companies capital cross Rs. 1000 Crore ( ?15000000 ) . The undermentioned companies in Miraj Group of Companies: Miraj Products Pvt. Ltd. , Miraj multicolor, Miraj pipe A ; adjustments, Miraj Hotels, Miraj Engineering, Eye position gesture images, Miraj developers, Miraj realcon, Asia battalions. ( Group profile of miraj group ) Miraj group ‘s consumer merchandises are baccy, tea, soap, lucifers, plastic, stationary, pipes etc. Therefore we can state the enterpriser should be inaugural to utilize the available resources and program for all those who are involved in an endeavor. Goal: An enterpriser should be able to put realistic but ambitious ends for himself every bit good as for others in the organisation. At the clip of get downing Madan Paliwal had clear end and he has achieved maximal end. Engagement for long clip: Madan Paliwal started his concern on 18th August 1987. He continues affect in his concern. Hence committedness from the enterpriser for longer period may be 5 to 15 old ages is necessary for conceptualisation, edifice and running an endeavor. Capacity for job resolution: In the initial stages of an endeavor many teething jobs may go on and an enterpriser should be a originative job convergent thinker to turn troubles into advantages. Madan Paliwal ‘s life is full of battle. He solved many jobs in his concern. Good squad leader and incentive: An enterpriser builds up his squad ; he should educate them, maintain them on high degree of motive and besides provide an environment for creativeness and good work civilization. Madan Paliwal started his concern as a individual individual but now a twenty-four hours ‘s 1000 employees in his companies. Energetic: Managing resources and running an endeavor calls for long hours of work for longer period of clip and therefore an enterpriser is a adult male of high energy degree. Madan Paliwal works 15-16 Hrs. daily. Harmonizing to him – † A labor is besides do difficult work daily in his life but he earns merely 100-200 Rs. per twenty-four hours, therefore enterpriser do work hard in right manner. † ( Paliwal, 2008 ) Good communicating accomplishments: As a leader an enterpriser communicates efficaciously with all concerned such as moneymans, employees, clients, providers and all who are concerned with the new endeavor. Madan Paliwal is besides good communicator. Mental ability: Madan Paliwal born at Nathdwara, A little town in Rajasthan ( India ) . He started little graduated table industries ( Miraj industries ) , now it is converted into Miraj Products Pvt. Ltd. Sharma ( 2009 ) ‘An enterpriser will be a adult male of high degree intelligence, originative, positive thought and determination shaper with clear aims in head ‘ . Good Human relation: Tactful and warm human relation is an of import factor which brings success to an enterpriser. Emotional stableness and maintaining himself as a theoretical account to others. Motivates the employees to set their best public presentation at all degrees in the organisation. Madan Paliwal besides follows good human dealingss. Schemes: Kant ( 2000 ) ‘Strategies are the manner of executing the mark i.e. how to make a peculiar work for the accomplishment of preset aims ‘ . COMPASSION FOR THE SOULS WHO INHABIT HELL EssayE. Determine what are the keys countries in which the company can salvage money by bettering public presentation. 2.5. Forces schemes This constituent covers the energies, abilities, accomplishments, and attitudes of employees that can be harnessed for growing. Peoples and companies grow together. Miraj Group of companies provides maximal chances for their people to turn, happen maximal chances for their ain growing ( interview with paliwal, 2010 ) . His Group follows the undermentioned personal schemes: A. Recruit people with a high degree of energy, good wellness, highest possible degree of instruction and experience and write type of personality to work good in our company and implement its values. B. Review pay and salary graduated table, and guarantee that the compensation for every place is non merely just, but perceived as just. Whenever necessary, educate people to understand the true value of the company ‘s benefits bundle. C. Introduce profit-sharing or equity plans to do our people â€Å" proprietors † of company and develop the physical and proficient accomplishments of our people through formal preparation plans. D. Develop the managerial and psychological accomplishments of our people through formal preparation, regular and on-going preparation, personal counsel and attending. E. Give greater personal attending to the people you work with ( non to their work ) and promote them to make similarly with their people. F. Recognize and honor single attempts to better the operation of our organisation. G. Maintain clear and effectual bipartisan communicating with all employees H. Implement psychological values such as regard for the person, personal growing, freedom, and harmoniousness to the highest degree. I. Give regular feedback to persons on their public presentation and what they can make to better. 3.0. Other schemes Other schemes have been followed by Miraj Group of Companies are: 3.1 Stability scheme Miraj Group has a stable environment, limited figure of merchandises, clients, providers and rivals, minimal demand for accomplishments and so on may follow what is called the ‘Stability Strategy ‘ such an organisation is satisfied with its bing degree of activities and wants the same to go on. 3.2 Growth scheme An organisation that wants to raise its degree of public presentation may follow what is called the ‘Growth Strategy ‘ . The undermentioned steps adopted by Miraj Group of companies: Development of new merchandises for the bing markets. Creation of new utilizations for the bing merchandises. Development of new merchandises for new markets. 3.3 Vertical Integration scheme A concern endeavor itself may make up one’s mind to bring forth the natural stuffs needed for production to guarantee uninterrupted supply. On the other manus, it may besides make up one’s mind to get down its ain gross revenues mercantile establishments to function its clients better. In either instance, the scheme is known as the ‘Vertical Integration Strategy ‘ . 3.4 Product Elimination Strategy A concern unit may besides extinguish merchandises that have become unpopular with the purchasers and conveying lone losingss. Such unsuccessful merchandises besides damage the image of the concern. Therefore, the ‘Product Elimination Strategy ‘ may be adopted by a house to avoid loss of net incomes every bit good as repute. 3.5 Merger Strategy It is besides possible that indistinguishable concern units may unite to apologize production and gross revenues and thereby deduce the benefits of economic sciences of large-scale operations. This is what is known as the ‘Merger Strategy ‘ . 4.0 Decision In the twenty-first century the construct of entrepreneurship is basically related to advanced enterprises. It is through to be concerned with presenting something new in the environment of tough competition. Entrepreneur types of persons who are extremely determined, confident, originative and advanced, gross revenues oriented personalities good in melody with tendencies and who are able to interpret a vision into a existent little concern. They are promoting immature single to organize new concern endeavors and supplying such authorities supports as infrastructural installations ( like H2O, power, Transpiration, Industrial sheds or developed secret plans, Communication system and revenue enhancement inducements, to ease this formation procedure. Madan paliwal successfully followed all above reference schemes in his concern since many old ages. All these schemes are really expeditiously and efficaciously followed by an endeavor for the success of his ain every bit good as for the growing of concern endeavor Equally good as the concern schemes ; the well is the place of the concern. It is impossible to go a successful enterpriser without concern scheme. All the schemes which are reference above should be followed by the individual who wants to go a successful enterpriser.